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  • Lessons From A Boat

    In our assemblies this term, we have been focusing on the school value of Aspiration—thinking about what we can achieve when we step out of our comfort zones. Today, we had a very special visitor, Steve Potter, who came to share an inspiring story about reaching for big goals.

    Steve, along with his teammates Jon, Jason, and Dan, will begin an incredible journey on December 12th, 2024. Together, they will row across the Atlantic Ocean in the World's Toughest Row. Steve talked to the children about the preparation, training, and safety equipment they will need to face this amazing challenge. He explained what life will be like during the 50-60 days at sea and shared stories of the dolphins, whales, and marlins they hope to see along the way!

    The children asked brilliant questions and loved hearing about this exciting adventure. The team, called Lessons From A Boat, is rowing to raise money for three charities: Diabetes UK, Cancer Research UK, and The Final Straw Foundation.

    You can learn more about their journey at and follow them on Instagram. We wish Steve, Jon, Jason, and Dan the best of luck with their final preparations and look forward to following their adventure across the ocean!