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  • Phonics and Early Reading

    We are a ‘Little Wandle’ School!

    Little Wandle is an accredited Synthetic Phonics Programme (SPP).

    Information for parents including:

    • Videos to model the pronunciation of sounds
    • How reading books are matched and how to support reading at home
    • How ‘alien words’, blending and tricky words are taught can all be found here

    You can find our progression document for our phonics lessons here

    Reading Books at Home

    Each week your child will bring home their Little Wandle reading book. This is a book that they have practised reading in school and can now read at home to build fluency with an adult. Children will also bring home a 'free choice' book. This book is for both adults and children to enjoy together. It is important to remember that this book is to be read to your child by an adult. Please ensure that your child brings their book bag into school daily, with their reading books and home reading journal inside.

    Click here for more information about Phonics and Early Reading.  

    How do we say our sounds?

    Take a look at the videos bellow to find out how we say our sounds.

    Phase 2


    Phase 3


    Phase 5